Genomics doctoral programme

Our molecular genetic team is working with several species. The control of origin, and investigation of allele frequencies in breeds and lines is carried out at livestock species. Knowing the typical genetic markers is extremely important for the characterization and product control of traditional breeds (e.g. Hungarian Grey Cattle, Hungarian and Transylvanian Racka and Tsigai Sheep, Bronze Turkey). Samples are also collected from moufflons and wild pigs for investigations ensuring the control of the origin.

Genes connected to milk production of cattle and with reproduction (twinning, seasonality/aseasonality) of sheep are diagnosed and their presence in homo- or heterozygotic form is followed in purebred and crossbreed individuals. Comparison of the Hungarian and Tibetan screw horned sheep is going on in Chinese and Romanian cooperation.

Cytogenetics: Comparison of cyto- and molecular genetic investigations for the early diagnosis of the goat polled intersex syndrome (PIS) is a Ph.D. theme. In the Hortobágy National Park we investigated Heck’s Cattle with negative result and found the first chromosome abnormality described in wild equids: the non-hereditary XXY-syndrome in an infertile Przewalski-horse stallion.

Last update: 2023. 03. 26. 19:47