Doctoral School of Animal Science
Stipendium Hungaricum
Doktorképzésre felvett PhD hallgatók
2018. szeptember
| Ország | Családi név | Keresztnév | Témacím | Témavezető |
| TN Tunisia | Alaya | Amina | Comprehensive evaluation of nutrive values of plant extracts using multiple animal models for feed development | Dr. Endre Máthé |
| JO Jordan | AlOudat | Mohannad | Application of sensors in the animal health management | Dr. József Prokisch |
| MN Mongolia | Khandsuren | Badgar | Studying the toxicity and bioconversion of nanosize elemental selenium | Dr. József Prokisch |
| IN India | Rojesh | Khangembam | Assessment of internal parasite infection of sheep flocks in the Carpathian-basin: novel and alternative parasite control methods and resilience | Dr. Nóra Pálfyné Vass |
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2023. 03. 26. 19:47